2012년 1월 19일 목요일

Communist Propaganda At Its Best

Communist Propaganda At Its Best:

Most political posters in this collection acquired in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and China. These are three countries where posters played an important political role and received a large amount of artistic attention. They are published with the supervision of the Communist Party, and were designed to make people work harder, be better communists and good patriots. They are the official propaganda of communist regimes, and the reality was often quite different than what is portrayed in the poster. You can imagine how it was for the people in all communist countries in that difficult time without the right to think for themselves. But above all these posters are a feast to the eye. They were designed by gifted artists, for whom the poster was a unique opportunity to use their talents and reach a large audience at the same time. Be careful, most of these posters contain ruthless propaganda. Let’s take them as historical artifacts.

communist propaganda at its best01 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best02 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best03 Communist Propaganda At Its Best

sourcecommunist propaganda at its best04 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best05 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best06 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best07 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best08 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best09 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best10 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best11 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best12 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


communist propaganda at its best13 Communist Propaganda At Its Best


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